Hope you are all really good. Well, I have been and I thank God for everything. This post is titled dear Jesus because I know I have things to say just don't know how to put it :) am sure we've all been in those dumbfounded positions in our lives.
In a world that is lately constantly being defined by what people portray on social media. It's easy to miss the important moments and miss the different motions life has got to offer. Social media has a way of making you compare someone's best to your reality.Which is most times an illusion.:)
Trust me no one ever wants to put up a photo when they are seated on the floor against the wall wondering where their next rent will come from,or crying themselves to sleep because they cant control their drug addiction or more so cry in the bathroom for hours wondering if their abusive spouse will ever change it's always "fun times" so to speak on IG and fb. I totally get it nobody in the world wants to show the world their dirty linen because nobody has time for that.This is for those people who are probably thinking"what in the world is wrong with me?""why can't my life be like so and so's he/she looks so perfect?" trust me most of us have our own struggles and insecurities but we choose to focus on the good.which you should too and quit comparing yourself :)
That's it for today :) Until next time.
Miss Wainaina.