Monday 7 December 2015

Hang on

Hey good people,

Hope you have all been keeping well since I last blogged *gasp* it has been about five months but am back with a bang. Am excited about Christmas just like most of y'all :) As we are about to usher yet another year 2016 I got myself thinking about the goals that I had made this year and previously in relation to what I have achieved this far.

Am sure the people who managed to achieve most of their goals are happy but the rest would be like there isn't even a point of having those things called goals. Am not even doing anymore resolutions it's the end because they have probably been disappointed by themselves or maybe things just aren't working out as they should.

Well, I happen to be part of both sides am proud of some major achievements in some aspects of my life but in some aspects am just like bleh! Wth? Why do I even struggle to do abc.. Am sure some people can relate.

As children and growing up we all had BIG dreams and somehow as you grow up some look so far fetched because of our current reality. When I was growing up in my head by the time I was my age right now I was supposed to have gotten married, got a six figure salary, have a great  successful career, moved out living in my five  star  ( Mary Jane house ) for those who can relate, driving my S-class mercedes, you know those great brilliant dreams.. which are good but then sometimes that's not God's will for our lives at the time. It's a process and a journey and sometimes a very painful (growth) journey.

Well the good news is there's hope irregardless of what your reality looks like so long as our hope is  connected to the right source. So BELIEVE that all these things are yours irregardless of the current situation and start thanking God in advance for the same and don't forget to ACT upon your dreams. The impossible is in the untried. Fail until you stop failing in all aspects when you fail you learn and LEARNING=GROWTH.

There's an interview that Oprah once did with the famous actor Jim Carrey that's really inspiring about the power of belief. You can view it on this link.

Hope someone is inspired :)

Love & Love
Miss Wainaina.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Dear Jesus


Hope you are all really good. Well, I have been and I thank God for everything. This post is titled dear Jesus because I know I have things to say just don't know how to put it :) am sure we've all  been in those dumbfounded positions in our lives.

In a world that is lately constantly being defined by what people portray on social media. It's easy to miss the important moments and miss the different  motions life has got to offer. Social media has a way of making you compare someone's best to your reality.Which is most times an illusion.:)

Trust me no one ever wants to put up a photo when they are seated on the floor against the wall wondering where their next rent will come from,or crying themselves to sleep because they cant control their drug addiction or more so cry in the bathroom for hours wondering if their abusive spouse will ever change it's always "fun times" so to speak on IG and fb. I totally get it nobody in the world wants to show the world their dirty linen because nobody has time for that.This is for those people who are probably thinking"what in the world is wrong with me?""why can't my life be like so and so's he/she looks so perfect?" trust me most of us have our own struggles and insecurities but we choose to focus on the good.which you should too and quit comparing yourself :)

That's it for today :) Until next time.

Miss Wainaina.

Tuesday 30 June 2015


Hey good people,

Hope you have been great keeping well .Loving, laughing and living each moment. :) Well, I have been especially the last three months God has been super amazing. See, a few months ago I felt stuck somewhere that didn't promise growth or fulfillment but being the tough nut I am and not being a quitter ( I have never been one) I pushed through my "being stuck" to the point where my body could not handle what was going on and things went south.

That's a story for another day, however I need to address the issue of feeling stuck or being stuck. I know there are so many people out there stuck in a relationship, job, career or in a friendship that is no longer fulfilling and has become extremely frustrating. What am about to say may sound crazy but once you get to that point. It's better to follow your heart and do what you please no matter how hard it is. Jump off the ship and  learn how to swim in the endless opportunities there are in the sea where you will learn how to swim or get a floater.

Sometimes we feel like we owe it to ourselves to be with someone or stay somewhere because its the rational thing to do but  if it doesn't offer you happiness, passion and fulfillment do yourself a favor walk away before all the red lights go on trust your instincts they are always right. ( Easier said than done though.)

I used to think giving up is being a failure but sometimes letting go of things that dont make you happy is very courageous. So peeps anything that no longer makes you happy, better, wiser, fulfilled, peaceful is not worth your time. Let go and don't get stuck there's really so much to life.

These being my few last words before I turn 17. I hope someone somewhere is encouraged. In case that's you you're going to be okay trust me. :) It's never that serious.

Miss Wanaina

Monday 18 May 2015

Instant gratification

Hello good people,
Today I would like to highlight about instant gratification.According to Wikipedia gratification is defined as below;

Gratification- is the pleasurable emotional reaction of happiness in response to a fulfillment of a desire or goal.

Instant gratification is hence defined as;

instant gratification is often used to label the satisfactions gained by more impulsive behaviors: choosing now over tomorrow

The opposite of Instant gratification is referred to as deferred gratification.

Being part of generation Y, I know I have been a victim of instant gratification  as we all want things to be done now now and that is why we have fast food restaurants, microwaves, electric trains, smart phones, social media, wifi almost everywhere just to mention but a few. 

These all being good for us and efficient and time saving we have translated the same now now effect to other aspects of our lives such as relationships, business and work. We want something to work now now yet anybody can tell you for a fact that building relationships takes time, hence you start wondering why a guy hasn't proposed and its only been two months yet you hardly even know him and in case he does you realize that you cant stand him when it's already too late.

The same applies at work, you find that the younger people want to climb up the ladder and earn a six figure salary now now and when they don't they get very frustrated. The same also applies in businesses, young entrepreneurs with start ups want to have a Mark Zuckerbag story at this very moment yet the reality is that some things take a while actually most important things take a while.

This is the reason why the saving culture is dying  among the young because we get money and want to spend it now, this is why we cant have conversations with friends and family because you need to know what's happening now on social media at this very moment, this is why before you enjoy having your food it's on instagram now because people have to know  what you are having now, how will they know when I don't post it? And the list could go on and on :)

Patience and deferred gratification is a virtue let's all try and practice it. We shall all have a more meaningful and fulfilled life.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by.
Miss Wainaina

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Live in the present

Howdy! Good people :)

Happy May! hope it isn't too late to say that. May is one of my favorite months for reasons am not really aware of I just love it maybe it because it is a three letter word like my name "Ivy" haha!!

Anyway before I divert any further, I'd like to just share a bit of what am learning lately. Life is an education tour if you asked me and if you aren't constantly learning, then there is something very wrong.

Living in the present, embracing the moments and the gift of here forgetting mistakes of the past and worries of the future.This may be your cure :)

Living in the present, has many physiological, physical, mental and emotional benefits. I was recently watching a video of this man who was speaking to CEO's and corporate gurus.Hopefully I can find the video on you tube and post the link here. He asked a question 'Why do children have boundless energy?" everyone in the room kept quiet for a while and he said it is because they live in the present and they have no anxieties of the pastor worries of the future.

Try and challenge yourself by living in the present by being aware of what your doing and see how much more you can achieve by doing so. Try it with your current work assignments and maybe even over a cup of coffee with a friend. i.e being physically and mentally present in what your doing.

Think about it. How many hours are you actually working at work? Say your working hours are eight hours. Yes your there physically for eight hours but how many hours do you actually work? Kazi kwako ( Swahili words for the challenge is yours) . Try it and see how much more you will enjoy life.

Thanks for stopping by.

Miss Wainaina.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

What defines you?


Hope y'all are good.

Have you ever gotten to a point where you ask yourself what defines you? What makes you happy, what's this life about?

Well, I have. For some people it could be wealth,  some jobs, some relationships and some God, some facebook status likes and instagram double taps :). Whatever rocks your boat I hope it makes you happy and will continue to do so for a long time.

All that matters is that your definition  makes you happy. What others think about you is none of your business focus on doing you and building yourself :)

Having a writers block :) am just gonna leave it at that :)

Miss Wainaina

Friday 13 February 2015

The Single’s Valentines

Hey people! Hope y’all are doing great. So it’s the valentines  weekend and some of you are excited while some not so much J whether you’re excited or not please try and enjoy yourself J

It is funny how everybody during this season is always thinking of couples and love and sunshine and rainbows and color red J “everybody get us a gas mask, we are so in love kinda feeling” which for me I got no qualms. Love is a beautiful thing and by all means if you’re in a relationship everyday should feel like valentines.

That said , there is the category above and then there is the single guys who maybe are least bothered about it, for one reason or another or the other single guys who wish they would  at least  have a date, which is perfectly okay.

This blog post, is specially dedicated to the single peeps out there who are single like me, if for whatever reasons you are alone this valz; if it’s a bad break up, by choice, you just can’t get the right person, this relationship thing isn’t working, whatever the case enjoy the moment, focus on the things that make you happy and spoil yourself rotten if you like. Love starts from within and spreads out like a bush fire. Make sure you’re filling your own love jar first.

Happy Valentines 2015 y’all J


Miss Wainaina J

Friday 9 January 2015

2014 at a Glance :)

Heyy!!!! Happy New Year :) ( When do we stop saying this btw? :))

Am seated here, at the office its 7:16 pm on a Friday because I have been postponing this post for the longest time and after today I think it would be irrelevant :)

Actually, "stop postponing" is one of those serious resolutions that I need to work on this year, so far am not doing so badly.:)

Anyway, being in your 20's is one of the most fascinating, adventurous and growing period. Am sure people in their 20's can relate. It's literally self discovery and self definition completely while trying to grow at work, in your relationships, investments, social life , spiritual life name it.:)

For me 2014 was one of those years which I think was quite defining and was so surreal.2014 was fun, adventurous, some days were better than others, some were really tough, some I'd cry myself to sleep, some I'd laugh and make merry you get the flow just the normal life.But  most of all I learned and grew.

Would like to share just a few lessons I took out that could help somebody somewhere this year:).

1. God needs to be the centrer of your life. You cant do most things on earth with your own strength,
 learn to trust His will.

2.In everything, give thanks. No matter how bad things look there's always a reason why.

3.Tough moments don't last, but tough people do. :) Someone once said its a bend and not the end best believe it. :)

4.You will fall in and out of love. ( I wont even go there :))

5.Everyone's journey is different. Don't compare yourself to anyone :)

6. The money you earn should be a seed and not a fruit. Invest wisely :)

7.What everyone else thinks of you is none of your business. Do you! :)

8. There's no perfect condition for things to be done the best time is now especially if its something that will make you grow or improve your life :)

9.Emotions: The only emotion your allowed to express in public is a smile or laugh all others should be put in a box and left at home or thrown away. (Nobody cares trust me:) also, a smile looks good on everyone :)

10..Plan your time, resources and networks( don't burn bridges you never know how you may need someone to help you)

11.Live in the present, forget the past and focus on the future.

12. No matter how you are feeling, get up dress up and show up.

13.We can't be perfect, but striving for excellence makes you a step ahead of others.

14. Work smart not hard.There's a difference.:)

15.Discipline;try and  pick up good habits they will follow you wherever you go and reflect on your daily life ( healthy eating,exercise, reading etc)

16. Oops! I almost forgot there's no better time than right now. (Don't procrastinate :))

17. Last one I promise :) Try and honour your resolutions, write them down, trust me it helps :)

Okay, that's all for today :)

Hope you enjoyed or at least learned something :) Have a blessed 2015. Thanks for stopping by.

Miss Wainaina :)