Hello!!!!! ( waves)
Wow its been a minute since I was here ( read busy) However am back and with a bang for that matter. Today I want to get away from feelings and emotions lets talk about rationale stuff. What do you guys think about the creatives industry in Kenya and Africa?
Well, my colleagues and I had a discussion in the office the other day (am an event planner by profession for those who didn't know) and we were wondering why Multinational companies do awesome experiential ads in other countries but when they come to Kenya, they do fliers and road shows which for me who is a creative is shady and old school so to speak. Yes fliers are a good below the line marketing strategy for low budgets but does it really sell?

We began analyzing different creative industries i.e music,photographers, art, ad agencies, events etc.We came to the realization that our society probably hasn't reached the level where we appreciate creatives as they should be. E.g for functions people just want draping s and tents and chairs yet there so many other cool experiential ideas a program or decor can incorporate. One of our suppliers who we really work close with told us that one of their clients was so closed minded that once he suggested and made an animated logo for them was their highlight.

I think also financially creatives are taken for granted. Its about time we stood up for creatives and appreciate their work and also start being open minded so as to improve brands and corporates as well as break "the norm" monotony.
Kindly share your thoughts.
Miss Wainaina. :)
Coudnt agree more