Hey good people,
Been a minute :) hope you're all good as I have been. Soo today I just want to highlight some experiences I have had since I left campus which is about exactly a year ago. I'm also just about to turn (ahemhem) so I have been trying to reflect on the past one year outside school...
As usual, we all really get excited to finally finish school and graduate and finally start working ( for those who weren't working while still in school). I don't know about you guys, but for me, I thought once I finish school I would get a really nice job and earn a six figure salary, own my car in like three months, move out in like six months, get engaged in like a year; like I had my whole life all planned out hahahahaha!!! Then reality happened....
But when you get out life is like "no girl noo!!! That is not what is going to happen just yet". First the tarmacking process hits you hard and you send and send and drop and write like a mille versions of your resume and there is no response or all you get is "we apologize to inform you...." or some positions expect you to have a certain number of years in experience which most definitely you don't have. (Though this is different for some people who are really lucky who land their dream jobs on the first application)
So, you try and try and after a while bam! You land a job and the pay isn't the six figure or five figure; leave alone the four figure you expected. But well, at least you are getting experience at this point for most guys they are down for whatever because anyway it’s the experience that matters.

Back to the social scene, your friends are busy getting babies and lifelong commitments and you are wondering what you were doing with your life while they got there.
Don't despair if this is you because God has an amazing plan for each one of us. Everybody has their own path .You may not be where you want to be yet but what is most important is what you do with your time before you get to where you want to be. Life isn't a bed of roses as someone said but enjoy the journey and embrace the "yes" that life gives you ,accept the "no's" and don't give up on the "wait" because in due time God shows up at the eleventh hour.
Thanks for dropping by :)
Miss Wainaina.
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